How to Become a High Ticket Closer

How to Become a High Ticket Closer

Becoming a remote high ticket closer is an attractive career option for those who enjoy sales and have a knack for closing deals. Remote high ticket closers work from home and help businesses close high-value sales deals. As a remote high ticket closer, one can earn a six-figure salary and enjoy the flexibility of working from home.

To become a remote high ticket closer, one needs to cultivate the right mindset and develop the necessary skills. This includes being intentional and conscious in the job search process and seeking out the right opportunities. Remote high ticket closers need to be skilled in sales, negotiation, and communication, as well as have a deep understanding of the products or services they are selling. They should also be able to build relationships with clients and establish trust.

Understanding High Ticket Closing

What is High Ticket Closing?

High ticket closing is a sales technique where a salesperson helps close high-value deals for businesses or entrepreneurs. The salesperson is responsible for convincing potential clients to purchase high-priced products or services, which can range from $3,000 to $100,000 or more. The goal is to close the deal and earn a commission on the sale.

High ticket closing is a relatively new type of sales technique that has gained popularity in recent years. It is often used by businesses that sell high-priced products or services, such as coaches, consultants, and online course creators. The salesperson, or closer, will typically work remotely and take sales calls for the business owner or influencer.

Why Become a Remote High Ticket Closer?

There are several reasons why someone might want to become a remote high ticket closer:

High earning potential: As a remote high ticket closer, you can earn a significant amount of money. Closers typically earn a commission on each sale, which can range from 5% to 20% of the total sale price. With high-priced products or services, this can add up quickly. Flexibility: Remote high ticket closers can work from anywhere in the world, as long as they have an internet connection. This allows for a lot of flexibility in terms of work schedule and location. Personal development: High ticket closing requires a lot of personal development and self-improvement. Closers need to be able to handle rejection, stay motivated, and continuously improve their sales skills. Opportunity to learn from successful entrepreneurs: As a remote high ticket closer, you will have the opportunity to work closely with successful entrepreneurs and business owners. This can provide valuable insights and knowledge that can be applied to your own business or career. Overall, becoming a remote high ticket closer can be a lucrative and rewarding career choice for those who are willing to put in the work and develop their sales skills.

Developing the Required Skills

To become a successful remote high ticket closer, one needs to have a set of skills that are essential for the job. These skills include sales skills, communication skills, negotiation skills, and time management skills.

Sales Skills

Sales skills are crucial for any high ticket closer. A remote high ticket closer needs to have a deep understanding of sales techniques and strategies. They should be able to identify the needs of the clients and offer them the best solution. A high ticket closer should be able to handle objections and persuade potential clients to make a purchase.

Communication Skills

Communication skills are essential for a remote high ticket closer. They need to have excellent verbal and written communication skills to communicate with clients effectively. A high ticket closer should be able to explain complex concepts and ideas in a simple and understandable way. They should also be able to listen actively and understand the needs of the clients.

Negotiation Skills

Negotiation skills are crucial for a remote high ticket closer. They should be able to negotiate with clients and close deals. A high ticket closer should be able to find common ground and come up with a solution that benefits both parties. They should also be able to handle difficult negotiations and find creative solutions to problems.

Time Management Skills

Time management skills are essential for a remote high ticket closer. They need to be able to manage their time effectively and prioritize tasks. A high ticket closer should be able to work efficiently and meet deadlines. They should also be able to handle multiple tasks and projects at the same time.

In conclusion, to become a successful remote high ticket closer, one needs to have a set of skills that are essential for the job. These skills include sales skills, communication skills, negotiation skills, and time management skills. A high ticket closer should be able to handle objections, persuade potential clients, communicate effectively, negotiate deals, manage time efficiently, and handle multiple tasks and projects at the same time.

Gaining Relevant Experience

To become a successful remote high ticket closer, gaining relevant experience is crucial. This section will explore some ways to gain experience in the field.

Working with a Mentor

Working with a mentor is an excellent way to gain experience in high ticket closing. A mentor can provide guidance, feedback, and support throughout the learning process. They can also share their knowledge and experience, helping you to avoid common mistakes and pitfalls.

When looking for a mentor, it is essential to find someone who has experience in the type of sales you are interested in. They should also be willing to take the time to work with you and provide feedback on your progress.

Joining a Sales Team

Joining a sales team is another way to gain experience in high ticket closing. By working with a team, you can learn from more experienced salespeople, observe their techniques, and get feedback on your own performance.

It is important to choose a sales team that specializes in the type of sales you are interested in. For example, if you are interested in B2B sales, you should look for a team that focuses on that market.

Attending Sales Training Programs Attending sales training programs can also help you gain relevant experience in high ticket closing. These programs typically cover topics such as sales techniques, objection handling, and closing strategies. They can also provide opportunities to practice your skills in a safe, supportive environment.

When choosing a sales training program, it is important to look for one that is reputable and has a track record of success. You should also make sure that the program covers the specific type of sales you are interested in.

In summary, gaining relevant experience is essential for anyone looking to become a successful remote high ticket closer. Working with a mentor, joining a sales team, and attending sales training programs are all effective ways to gain the experience and skills needed to succeed in this field.

Building a Strong Network

Networking is a crucial part of becoming a successful remote high ticket closer. By building a strong network, you can gain valuable connections and referrals that can lead to new business opportunities. There are two main ways to build a strong network: online and offline.

Networking Online

One of the most effective ways to network online is through social media platforms like LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook. These platforms allow you to connect with other professionals in your industry and build relationships with them. Here are some tips for networking online:

Be active on social media: Post relevant content, engage with others, and participate in industry-related discussions. Join groups: Joining groups on LinkedIn or Facebook can help you connect with other professionals in your industry. Attend virtual events: Many conferences and industry events are now being held virtually. Attending these events can help you connect with other professionals and learn about new industry trends.

Networking Offline

Networking offline is just as important as networking online. Here are some ways to network offline:

Attend industry events: Attending industry events like conferences, seminars, and workshops can help you connect with other professionals in your industry. Join local business groups: Joining local business groups like the Chamber of Commerce can help you connect with other professionals in your area. Volunteer: Volunteering for a local charity or non-profit organization can help you meet new people and build relationships with them. Building a strong network takes time and effort, but it can pay off in the long run. By connecting with other professionals in your industry, you can gain valuable insights and referrals that can help you grow your business as a remote high ticket closer.

Finding High Ticket Closing Opportunities To become a successful remote high ticket closer, one must find the right opportunities to showcase their skills. Here are some ways to find high ticket closing opportunities:

Researching Companies The first step is to research companies that are looking for high ticket closers. Look for companies that have a high-ticket product or service and are actively looking for salespeople. Some good places to start researching are job boards, LinkedIn, and company websites.

When researching companies, look for the following:

  • Company size and structure
  • Product or service offered
  • Sales process and strategy
  • Customer base and target market
  • Company culture and values

By researching these factors, one can determine if the company is a good fit and if they have the potential to earn high commissions.

Applying for Jobs

Applying for high ticket closing jobs is another way to find opportunities. When applying for jobs, it’s important to tailor the resume and cover letter to the company and position. Highlight relevant skills and experience, and provide examples of successful sales.

Some tips for applying for high ticket closing jobs:

Use keywords and phrases from the job description Highlight relevant experience and skills Provide examples of successful sales Connect with the hiring manager on LinkedIn Follow up after submitting the application Working as a Freelancer Working as a freelancer is another option for finding high ticket closing opportunities. Freelancers can work with multiple clients and have more flexibility in their schedule. Freelancers can find opportunities through job boards, social media, and networking.

When working as a freelancer, it’s important to:

Build a strong portfolio and online presence

Set competitive rates Communicate clearly with clients Provide excellent customer service Build long-term relationships with clients In conclusion, finding high ticket closing opportunities requires research, networking, and persistence. By following these steps, one can find the right opportunities and succeed as a remote high ticket closer.

Preparing for High Ticket Closing Interviews

When preparing for a high ticket closing interview, it is important to research the company, prepare for common interview questions, and demonstrate your skills.

Researching the Company

Researching the company is crucial to understanding the products or services they offer and their target audience. This information will help you tailor your pitch and demonstrate your knowledge during the interview. Some ways to research the company include:

Visiting the company’s website and social media pages

Reading news articles and press releases Reviewing the company’s financial statements and annual reports Reaching out to current or former employees for insights Preparing for Common Interview Questions High ticket closing interviews often involve questions about your sales experience, communication skills, and ability to close deals. Preparing thoughtful and concise answers to these questions can help you stand out. Some common interview questions include:

“Tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone to buy a product or service.” “How do you handle objections from potential clients?” “What is your process for closing a high ticket sale?” “How do you stay motivated during a sales slump?” Demonstrating Your Skills During the interview, it is important to demonstrate your skills and show the interviewer how you can add value to their team. Some ways to do this include:

Providing examples of successful sales you have made in the past Showing how you have overcome objections and closed deals Highlighting your communication and negotiation skills Demonstrating your ability to work independently and as part of a team Overall, preparing for a high ticket closing interview involves researching the company, preparing for common interview questions, and demonstrating your skills. By doing so, you can increase your chances of landing the job and becoming a successful remote high ticket closer.

Negotiating and Closing Deals

Understanding the Client’s Needs Before negotiating and closing deals, a remote high ticket closer must understand the client’s needs. This involves asking the right questions to understand the client’s goals, challenges, and expectations. By understanding the client’s needs, the closer can tailor their pitch to address those specific needs and demonstrate how their product or service can help the client achieve their goals.

Creating a Compelling Sales Pitch A remote high ticket closer must create a compelling sales pitch that highlights the unique value proposition of their product or service. The pitch should be tailored to the client’s needs and should clearly demonstrate how the product or service can help the client achieve their goals. The pitch should also address any potential objections the client may have and provide evidence to support the claims made in the pitch.

Handling Objections

Inevitably, clients will have objections to the pitch made by the remote high ticket closer. It is important for the closer to handle these objections effectively to keep the deal moving forward. This involves actively listening to the client’s concerns, acknowledging their objections, and providing evidence to address those objections. The closer should also be prepared to offer alternative solutions or compromises if necessary.

Closing the Deal

Closing the deal is the ultimate goal of a remote high ticket closer. This involves asking for the sale and getting the client to commit to the purchase. The closer should use a variety of closing techniques, such as the assumptive close or the summary close, to encourage the client to make a decision. It is important for the closer to remain confident and persistent throughout the closing process, while also being respectful and professional.

In summary, negotiating and closing deals as a remote high ticket closer involves understanding the client’s needs, creating a compelling sales pitch, handling objections, and closing the deal. By following these steps, a closer can increase their chances of successfully closing high ticket sales and building a successful career in remote sales.

Maintaining Relationships with Clients

As a remote high ticket closer, it’s important to not only close deals but also maintain relationships with clients. Providing excellent customer service, following up with clients, and building long-term relationships are essential for success in this field.

Providing Excellent Customer Service

One of the most important aspects of maintaining relationships with clients is providing excellent customer service. This includes being responsive to client inquiries, addressing any concerns they may have, and ensuring that they are satisfied with the service they receive. A high ticket closer should always be professional, courteous, and helpful when interacting with clients.

Following Up with Clients

Following up with clients is another important aspect of maintaining relationships. A high ticket closer should make it a point to check in with clients after a sale has been made to ensure that they are satisfied with their purchase and to address any concerns they may have. Regular follow-ups also help to build trust and rapport with clients, which can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Building Long-Term Relationships

Building long-term relationships with clients is crucial for success as a high ticket closer. This involves going above and beyond to ensure that clients are satisfied with their experience and that their needs are being met. A high ticket closer should strive to build a personal connection with clients by getting to know them on a deeper level and understanding their unique needs and preferences.

To build long-term relationships, a high ticket closer should also be proactive in providing value to clients. This can include offering additional resources or services that may be of interest to them, sharing industry insights and trends, and providing ongoing support and guidance.

In conclusion, maintaining relationships with clients is essential for success as a remote high ticket closer. By providing excellent customer service, following up with clients, and building long-term relationships, a high ticket closer can not only close deals but also build a loyal client base that will lead to continued success in the field.


Becoming a remote high ticket closer can be a lucrative career move for those who have a passion for sales and a desire to work from home. With the right skills and mindset, anyone can become a successful high ticket closer.

To become a remote high ticket closer, one must first gain the necessary sales skills and knowledge. This can be achieved through sales training programs, online courses, or by working with a mentor. It is important to develop excellent communication and listening skills, as well as the ability to build trust and rapport with clients.

Once the necessary skills are acquired, it is important to find a company that offers remote high ticket closing positions. This can be done by searching online job boards or by networking with other high ticket closers. It is important to research the company thoroughly before accepting a position to ensure that it is reputable and offers fair compensation.

In addition to developing sales skills and finding the right company, it is important to have a strong work ethic and a positive attitude. Remote high ticket closing can be a challenging job, but with determination and hard work, it can also be incredibly rewarding.

Overall, becoming a remote high ticket closer requires dedication, hard work, and a willingness to learn. With the right skills and mindset, anyone can achieve success in this exciting and lucrative career field.